Émilie Veyretout
Émilie Veyretout is the former head of the beauty and wellness section of the French newspaper Le Figaro. She has spent ten years travelling, exploring, and decoding these overlapping sectors for the most demanding readers. In 2022, she co-founded PLEACE, a platform of videos featuring a selection of the best disciplines (yoga, dance, meditation, hypnosis, and more) and experts to create a mini wellness retreat at home (www.pleace.fr). She is also a consultant for major brands such as Dior, Lancôme, and Shiseido.
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
Alle Bücher von Émilie Veyretout
Destination Wellness - Unsere 35 besten Orte der Welt zum Entspannen
Erschienen am 01.05.2024
Destination: Wellness - Our 35 best places in the world to make a pause
Erschienen am 01.05.2024
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