Barragán outside BarragánA journey through books, trips, exhibitions and friends

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This publication is based on an illustrated talk presented by architect and historian Fernanda Canales in June 2024 at the Vitra Design Museum, as part of the Barragán Lec-ture series. It focuses on the Mexican architect Luis Barragán (1902–1988), whose work occupies a permanent place in the canon of twentieth-century architecture and continues to fas-cinate architectural scholars, connoisseurs and enthusiasts. In her lecture, Fernanda Canales deftly interwove Barragán’s biography with his major built works, which are characterised by a skilful approach to spatial and chromatic atmospheres and environments. Following the traces found in his extensive private library, his travels, the exhibitions he saw and his per-sonal and professional friendships, she took the audience on a multifaceted journey through space and time, providing a concentrated overview of Barragán’s creative work from the late 1920s to the 1980s.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:64 Seiten
Verlag:Vitra Design Museum

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