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Explore one of Italy's best-kept culinary secrets and hottest new travel destinations with the latest addition to Phaidon's series on regional cuisines compiled from The Silver Spoon .

Puglia offers more than 50 all-new, authentic and easy-to-follow recipes from The Silver Spoon kitchen that showcase the full culinary range of one of Italy's most distinctive regions. From simple antipasti ( Fried Mussels ) and classic pasta dishes ( Orchiette with Turnip Tops ), to delicious desserts ( Chocolate with Figs ), home cooks will be immersed in the food culture of one of most fascinating areas of Italy. Gorgeous specially commissioned photography of landscapes and regional products compliment the recipes and texts, which explore the province's unique culture, key ingredients, producers and food markets.

Puglia transports home cooks from their kitchens to the olive groves and Mediterranean beaches of Italy's longest coastline and will have them cooking like an Italian in no time flat.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:272 Seiten

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