HIGHLANDER HISTORICAL ROMANCE: A Highlander's Embrace (Highland Scottish Medieval Romance)
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Thorburn Mackay is a true Highlander, who has it all: bravery, charm, looks, women, and a sure promise of becoming the chieftain of his clan. But, as always, the things we want most come at a price: he needs to provide a heir before he can fullfill his destiny. He tries hard to find a suitable mate but no one seems to be the right fit… that is, until he sets his eyes on the beautiful Agatha Erskine. The only problem is Agatha is from the Low Lands and his family does not approve of her. Torn apart by their social positions and his arranged marriage with another woman, Thorburn vows to make the angelic Agatha his bride and the mother of his children one way or another. But, before he can do this, he needs to first win her over and reveal a devastating secret about his existence that could send her running for the hills. *** Download for FREE with Kindle Unlimited *** WARNING: This Paranormal Romance contains Steamy scenes, themes, and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.