HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Highland Love Story (Paranormal Historical Highlander Viking Medieval Romance) (Short Stories)
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Forced into a loveless marriage, serving as a contract that stops an imminent war between two highland clans, Alba McGregor feels more like an object than a woman. She longs for love, respect, and the feeling of been cherished by a man worthy of her affection. She finds herself in mortal danger when she refuses to divulge her clan’s secrets to her wicked War Lord husband. Cast away to a dungeon with little hope for escape, Alba reaches her absolute low. When she discovers a brave and mysterious warrior, imprisoned in the same dungeon, she hopes that her luck has finally taken and turn and they plot an escape plan. What awaits them are treacherous challenges for survival and dark disturbing secrets . Will they ever find solice together? *** Download for FREE with Kindle Unlimited *** WARNING: This Paranormal Romance contains Steamy scenes, themes, and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.