HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: The Highlander's Vow (Highlander Scottish Regency Historical Romance)

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A boy is rescued from the streets by a highland family and as a man he vows to bring them true honor. Will a twist that forces him to follow his heart lead him down a path of confronting his past and turning his back on his one true family? Tormod MacLaine was a young lad of only nine when he was walking barefoot and barely clothed in the cruel and cold streets of his town. His first memories are of living in a shack, struggling to survive. Through a magical stroke of fortune he was taken off the streets by a Highland clan, who raised him to become a strong and respected man. Managing to completely erase his nightmarish childhood from his memory, he lives a life of prosperity. Finally, it comes the time for him to help the clan the best thing he can and accept a bride they’ve chosen for him. Tormod finds out that there is an unplanned baby involved and begins his journey of following his heart and it leads him into new territories. He realizes that in order to come to terms with his present, he must first confront his true past. Grab this true highlander love story today! *** Download for FREE with Kindle Unlimited *** Readers should be 18 and over due to mature situations and language.


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