HISTORICAL HIGHLANDER ROMANCE: Queen of Celtic Wolfs (Highlander Scottish Regency Romance)
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Growing up in the aristocratic society of England, Geneva was no ordinary lady of the privileged culture. Not able to relate the shallow views of her peers, she often finds herself buried in her love of the arts; taking herself to a world where she can let go of all her inhibitions. After the passing of her Grandmother, Geneva she is granted dominion over her family’s large estate in the Scottish Highlands. She soon discovers a hidden truth about her family lineage that far exceeds anything she is able to fantasize on her own. EVAN: We’ve been waiting on her for so long, and now that she’s here I can’t get enough of her. Her scent, her smile, her haughty attitude…It drives me crazy. I need to have her and possess her more than she will ever know. She’s a fighter on the outside, but melting on the inside when she looks at me. It won’t be hard to make her all mine. She’s been earmarked for me since the day she was born and she won’t be able to resist my charm. *** Download for FREE with Kindle Unlimited *** WARNING: This Paranormal Romance contains Steamy scenes, themes, and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.