I Hear the Sirens in the Street (Detective Sean Duffy Book 2)

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Anja_Levs avatar
vor 8 Jahren

Band 2 hat nicht das Tempo des ersten Buchs, der Fall ist aber dennoch interessant und das Buch gut geschrieben.

larissa_78s avatar
vor 9 Jahren

Würdiger Nachfolger des ersten Teils. Wieder jede Menge Spannung, Action und der politische Blick auf Nordirland um 1982. Klasse!

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Book 2 in the Detective Sean Duffy series. Sean Duffy knows there's no such thing as a perfect crime. But a torso in a suitcase is pretty close. Still, one tiny clue is all it takes, and there it is. A tattoo. So Duffy, fully fit and back at work after the severe trauma of his last case, is ready to follow the trail of blood -- however faint -- that always, always connects a body to its killer. A legendarily stubborn man, Duffy becomes obsessed with this mystery as a distraction from the ruins of his love life, and to push down the seed of self-doubt that he seems to have traded for his youthful arrogance. So from country lanes to city streets, Duffy works every angle. And wherever he goes, he smells a rat...


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:353 Seiten
Verlag:Serpent's Tail

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