The gangbang mother
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"You....were...amazing" Michelle whispered as she nuzzled my neck and planted little kisses behind my ear. I lifted my tired, sweaty body one last time, just high enough to kiss her on the lips. "I love you, baby" I sighed, exhausted but content.
Michelle didn't repeat my statement and she didn't even acknowledge it. She just looked me in the eyes and smiled. She didn't have to say anything, I knew she loved me. She always has and always will. Gemini knows such things.
"I have to pee," she whispered, nudging my side to get me to move. I rolled off my sister and she rushed to the bathroom, cupping her hand between her legs to catch any drops of cum that might leak from her pussy. I giggled softly and buried my head in the pillows. It was only ten o'clock. Mom wouldn't be home before you. Maybe I could get another hour or two of much-needed sleep.
Michelle didn't repeat my statement and she didn't even acknowledge it. She just looked me in the eyes and smiled. She didn't have to say anything, I knew she loved me. She always has and always will. Gemini knows such things.
"I have to pee," she whispered, nudging my side to get me to move. I rolled off my sister and she rushed to the bathroom, cupping her hand between her legs to catch any drops of cum that might leak from her pussy. I giggled softly and buried my head in the pillows. It was only ten o'clock. Mom wouldn't be home before you. Maybe I could get another hour or two of much-needed sleep.
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Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:144 Seiten