NatureHealthy, simple and good

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When people think of French food, they often imagine laborious recipes that are loaded with butter and cream, and which can only be mastered with the skills of a sous chef. In , Michelin-starred chef Alain Ducasse, in collaboration with nutritionist Paule Neyrat, rediscovers the pleasure of simple food, and presents delicious French cuisine without the fat or the fuss. With over 190 easy-to-make creations, Ducasse shows the subtle wonders of a wide range of delectable flavours, giving pride of place to fruit, vegetables and cereals, which are sure to leave you feeling great. Featuring delightful line drawings, mouthwatering food photography, and with Alain's useful snippets of advice peppered throughout the book, Ducasse Nature is more than a recipe book: it shows another way to enjoy food that is more natural, healthy and delicious.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:368 Seiten
Verlag:Hardie Grant Books

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