Alessandro Hatami

Autor*in von Inclusive Finance.


Alessandro Hatami is the founder and managing partner of advisory firm, specialising in driving digital transformation in payments, financial services and banking organisations. He has been driving digital innovation for over 15 years at firms such as the Lloyds Banking Group, PayPal UK, and GE Capital. He is a non-exec director of Cashplus Bank, mentor to several fintech start-ups and an investor in a number of early-stage tech companies. He is a well-known figure in European fintech and is a frequent speaker at events across the globe. His book Reinventing Banking and Finance (2021), also published by Kogan Page, was rated Best Overall Book on Banking of 2021 by in the US. He is based in London, the UK.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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Cover des Buches Inclusive Finance (ISBN: 9781398610453)

Inclusive Finance

Erscheint am 03.04.2025

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