Soul of Athens 30 experiences

Das neue Buch von Alex King erscheint am 1. März 2025 mit dem Titel "Soul of Athens 30 experiences".

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We’ve all climbed the Acropolis and wandered the winding streets of Plaka. But if we really
want to experience the true essence of Athens today, where do we go?
Soul of Athens is your guide to the best of what this city really is right now – and how it’s evolving.
Celebrating both the old and the new, we’ll meet the guardians of the city’s authentic heritage
and talk with the bright young things who are building its future. We’ll eat at hidden tavernas,
explore the city’s long-forgotten arcades, listen to the melancholic sounds of rebetiko, take a
journey to the east on the old Orient Express without leaving Athens, learn about Greece’s
finest herbs and sample some of country’s best new wines...
Join us as we experience the Soul of Athens together.

Soul of Athens is written by Alex King, a journalist and documentary filmmaker based in
Athens who covers travel, alternative culture and humanitarian issues in the region.

The ‘Soul of’ collection is a new approach to the art of traveling that consists
of vagabonding around, chance encounters and unforgettable experiences.
Guides for those who want to unlock the hidden doors of a city, feel out its
heartbeat, plumb every last nook and cranny to uncover its soul.

Each guide in the ‘Soul of’ collection includes:
— The 30 best experiences a city has to offer
— Interviews with those who give the city its spirit
— Original illustrations that capture the city’s soul


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:128 Seiten
Verlag:Jonglez Verlag

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