SHIFTER COLLECTION ROMANCE: Shifter Collection (Paranormal Menage Bear Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Short Stories)

Cover des Buches SHIFTER COLLECTION ROMANCE: Shifter Collection (Paranormal Menage Bear Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult Short Stories) (ISBN: B01G5W1A82)
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The Mated by the Shifter Collection is a seven book collection of Alexa Jewel’s best selling sexy shifter love stories Book 1 – Taken by the Bear How would you feel if you fell madly in love with your perfect hottie...who also happened to be a mysterious bear shifter? Book 2 – Taken by the Wolf Turmoil is an understatement when we talk about the minds of these three individuals who have been caught in a love triangle. Will they follow their hearts? Or be rational and play it safe? Book 3 – Wild Bear’s Baby A HOT strong Bear ready to wed a momma-to-be, in desperate need of protection. What will come out of it? Find out in this Fiery New Bear Shifter Romance! Book 4 – Biker Bear’s Baby Sassy Pregnant BBW Hailey + Growly, Sexy Biker Bear Elias+ a Whole Lot of Werebear Trouble = Shifter love at its finest! Book 5 – Shift Her Dr. Rose Hadley I’ve had enough of men! Who needs them! I’ll just focus on my career. I can’t believe I get to test a real live bear shifter… things couldn’t possibly go smoother for me! But there is something about Thorben that leaves me so TANGLED. Just thinking of his muscular arms and piercing eyes makes my blood boil… It’s time I get these filthy thoughts out of my mind and focus on my work! Thorben Who do they think they are?! Locking me up like a caged animal. Then again, I would never have met Rose if I had not been captured. The way she sways her incredibly sculpted rear makes me ROAR with desire! She’s one stubborn cookie, but that’s just how I like it. Maybe I should stick around a little, who knows what might happen… Will either untamed bachelor take their place at her side now that there’s a child on the way, or will the skeletons in Sara’s closet come back to hunt her? Book 6 – Taken by the Dragon Brothers Hot Menage Romance with Billionaire Brothers+ Pregnant BBW Hailey = Dragon Shifter love at its finest! Book 7 – Taken by the Bear Brothers One shy Russian Mail Order Bride + a Hard, Driven Bear Shifter + Heated Love Triangle = Shifter Mail-Order Bride Romance at its FINEST! *** Download for FREE with Kindle Unlimited *** WARNING: This Paranormal Romance contains Steamy scenes, themes, and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.


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