SHIFTER WEREWOLF ROMANCE: Taken by the Wolf (ShapeShifter Pregnancy Romance)

Cover des Buches SHIFTER WEREWOLF ROMANCE: Taken by the Wolf (ShapeShifter Pregnancy Romance) (ISBN: B01G4U333U)
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Tracy My life would make a Hollywood director famous. How on earth did I get myself in this MESS? Two different men? A coma? Amnesia? Pregnant?.... What am I supposed to do? I don’t even know who the father of my baby is and the worst part I can’t guess because my mind is completely wiped out. Samuel I need to get her back; the universe has a way of playing with our minds. Just when I thought I have landed the love of my life, just when she has fully come to terms with my darker side, just when we are about to start a family together, she loses her memory in an accident. Thank God she is physically healthy…now I need to get her heart back. Her family is not helping either; they hate me and I don’t give a SH**! I miss you Tracy, come back to me WOMAN. Ted What should I do? Is it crazy to want the woman who burnt a whole in my heart and ran off with another man two weeks to the wedding? Turmoil is an understatement when we talk about the minds of these three individuals who have been caught in a love triangle. Will they follow their hearts? Or be rational and play it safe? *** Download for FREE with Kindle Unlimited *** WARNING: This Fantasy Romance collection contains passionate scenes, themes, and language. Intended for 18+ readers only.


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