Alexei Mishin


Alexei Mishin, born in 1941, began figure skating as a teenager in what was then Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). As a pair skater with his partner Tamara Moskvina, he enjoyed international success, winning medals at European and World Championships and competing at the Winter Olympic Games. After his sports career, Alexei Mishin became a coach and professor at the renowned Lesgaft Sports University in his hometown. He led his students such as Alexei Urmanov, Evgeni Plushenko, Alexei Jagudin and Lisa Tuktamysheva to titles and medals at Olympic Games, World and European Championships. Moreover, to this day he develops innovative exercises and training methods that are used worldwide and help the devolopment of figure skating as a sport and as an art.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Alexei Mishin

Cover des Buches The Secrets of the Ice (ISBN: 9783347981492)

The Secrets of the Ice

Erschienen am 03.07.2023

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