The Lovely Bones

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Positiv (77):
Maza_e_Keqes avatar
vor einem Jahr

Grausam, emotional, spannend und doch irgendwie friedvoll. Die Geschichte eines Todes und die der Hinterbliebenen.

Kritisch (10):
ichundelaines avatar
vor 9 Jahren

Interessante Erzählperspektive, aber das war es dann schon auch... hat mir nicht sonderlich gefallen.

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My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. My murderer was a man from our neighbourhood. My mother liked his border flowers, and my father talked to him once about fertilizer.§This is Susie Salmon, speaking to us from heaven. It looks a lot like her school playgound, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counsellors to help newcomers to adjust, and friends to room with. Everything she wants appears as soon as she thinks of it - except the thing she wants most: to be back with the people she loved on Earth.§From heaven, Susie watches. She sees her happy suburban family implode after her death, as each member tries to come to terms with the terrible loss. Over the years, her friends and sibling grow up, fall in love, do all the things she never had the chance to do herself. But life is not quite finished with Susie yet.§The Lovely Bones is a luminous and astonishing novel about life and death, forgiveness and vengeance, memory and forgetting. It is, above all, a novel which finds light in the darkest of places, and shows how even when that light seems to be utterly extinguished, it is still there, waiting to be rekindled.§


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:256 Seiten

Rezensionen und Bewertungen

4 Sterne
  • 5 Sterne38
  • 4 Sterne39
  • 3 Sterne18
  • 2 Sterne8
  • 1 Stern2


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