The Rakehell of Roth (English Edition)The Regency Rogues Book 2
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Spannende Liebesgeschichte um ein Ehepaar, das erst den Mut zur Liebe finden muss, um die Dunkelheit zu vertreiben und Glück zu finden.
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As owner of the most scandalous club in London, the last thing the notorious Marquess of Roth wants is a wife. Keeping up his false reputation as a rake brings in the clients with the deepest pockets—money he needs to fund a noble cause. Even though everything inside tells him not to leave his beautiful, innocent wife behind at his country estate...he must.
But three years later, tired of her scoundrel of a husband headlining the gossip rags, Lady Isobel Vance decides enough is enough. She is no longer a fragile kitten, but as the anonymous author of a women’s sexual advice column, she’s now a roaring tigress...and she can use her claws.
Isobel decides to go to him in London, channeling her powers of seduction to make him beg to take her back. But she didn’t expect her marauding marquess to be equally hard to resist. Now the game is on to see who will give in to the other first, with both sides determined like hell to win.
Each book in the Regency Rogues series is STANDALONE:
* The Beast of Beswick
* The Rakehell of Roth
But three years later, tired of her scoundrel of a husband headlining the gossip rags, Lady Isobel Vance decides enough is enough. She is no longer a fragile kitten, but as the anonymous author of a women’s sexual advice column, she’s now a roaring tigress...and she can use her claws.
Isobel decides to go to him in London, channeling her powers of seduction to make him beg to take her back. But she didn’t expect her marauding marquess to be equally hard to resist. Now the game is on to see who will give in to the other first, with both sides determined like hell to win.
Each book in the Regency Rogues series is STANDALONE:
* The Beast of Beswick
* The Rakehell of Roth
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Umfang:327 Seiten
Verlag:Entangled: Amara
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