The Art of Asking (Signed Edition): How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help

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vor 7 Jahren

Ihre Botschaft, kombiniert mit Autobiografischem - stellenweise superspannend, teilweise dreht es sich jedoch sehr im Kreis

Ein LovelyBooks-Nutzer
vor 9 Jahren

Love Amanda Palmer and still wasn't prepared for this to hit so close to home. Very emotional & absolutely inspiring! - I'll take the flower

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'When we really see each other, we want to help each other' - Amanda Palmer Imagine standing on a box in the middle of a busy city, dressed as a white-faced bride, and silently using your eyes to ask people for money. Or touring Europe in a punk cabaret band, and finding a place to sleep each night by reaching out to strangers on Twitter. For Amanda Palmer, actions like these have gone beyond satisfying her basic needs for food and shelter - they've taught her how to turn strangers into friends, build communities, and discover her own giving impulses. And because she had learned how to ask, she was able to go to the world to ask for the money to make a new album and tour with it, and to raise over a million dollars in a month. In the New York TImes bestseller The Art of Asking, Palmer expands upon her popular TED talk to reveal how ordinary people, those of us without thousands of Twitter followers and adoring fans, can use these same principles in our own lives.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:352 Seiten

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