Amber Huxley

 5 Sterne bei 2 Bewertungen

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Can‘t decide between 4 and 5 stars, so keeping it at 5 for now.

I loved this book, absolutely loved it. I was really rooting for Agnar and Marcus and enjoyed reading a lot.
And the cover is so beautiful!

It could‘ve been a bit darker though. Agnar was - considering the context - actually quite nice to his thrall Marcus. Like, he cared so much about not hurting him (although he still did…). That made the couple a lot easier to root for, but I would‘ve liked it, had he been a bit… stricter sometimes.

The characters were also a bit too flat in my opinion and apart from the romance, the plot wasn‘t overwhelming. I felt like not letting the war between the clans really escalate (apart from that one attack) or the Romans attack again, was a missed opportunity. 

Also, sometimes there were quite big time jumps. I wouldn‘t have minded, if the book were a bit longer if that would‘ve filled those time jumps, showing more of how the relationships between Marcus and the other people in the village, including Agnar, developed.

Still, the book was great. I look forward to seeing what else Amber Huxley has in petto for us. If she ever decides to write more about Waldhar and Titus (a barbarian and his thrall from another clan), I will leave everything I‘m doing behind and buy that thing immediately

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