12 Yoga Exercises for Stress for You Anytime and Anywhere can PerformMaster Challenging Situations Calm and Composed - and Win Success, Serenity and Happiness

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Yoga has been known since ancient times as an exercise that can sooth, relax, strengthen, define and destress any practitioner that sets their mind to the asanas, otherwise known as poses. Daily practice can increase muscle tone, mental acuity, mental health, stamina, flexibility and even emotional stability. Here, 12 poses are offered that can be done almost anywhere - by anyone - that can help you master challenging situations with composed calm while increasing your happiness and decluttering your body of typical stresses.

With guided illustrations and easy to understand descriptions, this guide walks you through both common and uncommon poses, explaining how these vital moves can help you - and how to do them right. Harnessing the truth of breath, motion and meditation, this is a fundamental introduction to the many, many benefits Yoga can offer.

While these 12 poses are listed in a particular order, you can do them in any order you choose, with the exception of the final pose, Savasana, which is your body's clue that your practice is done. This freedom of choice in switching around the poses makes this guide a unique - and welcome - addition to any Yoga Library. Instead of focusing on one to the next, in strict conjunction, this is freedom of thought, movement and need, something that allows this particular set of poses to become even more powerful, set in the order you choose.



Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:46 Seiten
Verlag:BoD – Books on Demand

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