Andrea Bobotis

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Alle Bücher von Andrea Bobotis

Cover des Buches The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt (ISBN: 9781982523770)

The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt

Erschienen am 08.10.2019

Neue Rezensionen zu Andrea Bobotis

Cover des Buches The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt (ISBN: 9781982523770)

Rezension zu "The Last List of Miss Judith Kratt" von Andrea Bobotis

Not my kind of drama
misspidervor 2 Jahren

Though the book told an intriguing family drama I couldn't relate to the characters, especially  Judith Kratt, who tells the story. Sadly, I found the narration digressing too often into little anecdotes of Judith's past I was not interested in, and so had a a hard time to keep focused on the main story-line. Sometimes, a book and its reader just don't match, which definitely was the case with this odd couple.

(thanks to netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)

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