The Two of Us

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If you loved One Day and The Rosie Project, you will fall head-over-heels for The Two of Us. Falling in love is the easy part. What matters most is what happens next... Fisher and Ivy have been an item for a whole nineteen days. And they just know they are meant to be together. The fact that they know little else about each other is a minor detail. Over the course of twelve months, in which their lives will change forever, Fisher and Ivy discover that falling in love is one thing, but staying there is an entirely different story. The Two of Us is a charming, honest and heart-breaking novel about life, love, and the importance of taking neither one for granted. 'Beautifully written and wonderfully engaging. I loved it' Daily Mail 'Honest, gripping, bittersweet and very funny' Jenny Colgan 'Frank, funny and bittersweet, The Two of Us is a love story about what happens when a relationship looks all wrong but feels all right. This is a book with its heart firmly in the right place.' Louise Candlish 'Touching, funny and real, Andy Jones's novel about what happens after the love story had me laughing one minute and crying the next. I loved it.' Jane Costello 'In turns funny, sad, honest and heartbreaking, The Two of Us takes you on an emotional rollercoaster ride you won't ever want to end' Matt Dunn


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Umfang:400 Seiten
Verlag:Simon + Schuster UK

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