Anna Bronovitskaya
Autor*in von Katharina Gruzei.
Anna Bronovitskaya is a candidate in art history and research director at the Institute of Modernism. She is a teacher at Moscow Architecture School and taught at Moscow Architecture Institute from 1992 – 2016. She edited the journals Project Russia and Project International from 2004 – 2014. She teaches twentieth-century architecture at the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art. Her writing includes: Arkhitektura Moskvy, 1920 – 1960 (‘Architecture of Moscow, 1920–1960’; 2006), Moskva: arkhitektura sovetskogo modernizma. 1955–1991. Spravochnik-putevoditel (‘Moscow: The Architecture of Soviet Modernism. 1955–1991. Reference book’; 2016).
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
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Katharina Gruzei
Erschienen am 03.11.2021
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