The Art of Leaving

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Leaving has always come naturally to Eva Elliott. The daughter of a pilot,she spent her childhood leaving schools and cities. Now an adult, she enjoys the thrill of saying goodbye much more than the butterflies of a first smile or kiss. There's so much more potential in walking away, and Eva has always had a dangerously vivid imagination. During a rainy summer in Soho, when a golden eagle escapes London Zoo to prowl the city and a beguiling stranger begins appearing around town armed with a conspiratorial smile and a secret, Eva discovers that endings just aren't as easy as they used to be. Is it a flirtation playing out amongst the crumbling offices, clubs and alleys of Soho, or something much darker? The line blurs in this haunting story about saying goodbye.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:300 Seiten
Verlag:Alma Books Ltd

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