Anne-Marie Elbe
Anne-Marie Elbe is full professor of sport psychology at Leipzig University, Germany. Her previous posts were at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Northumbria University, Newcastle in the UK and at the University of Potsdam, Germany. Her publications and research interests focus on motivational and self-regulatory aspects of athletic performance, doping, health aspects of team sports and the integrative role of sports. She is associate editor for Science and Medicine in Football and on the editorial board of Psychology of Sport and Exercise. Anne-Marie Elbe has been on the FEPSAC MC since 2007, served as vice president (2011–2015) and currently serves as FEPSAC president (2015–2019).
Quelle: Verlag / vlb
Alle Bücher von Anne-Marie Elbe
FEPSAC Monograph / 50 Years of FEPSAC – Recent Developments in European Sport Psychology
Erschienen am 29.05.2019
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