"Mademoiselle Miss"More Letters From Norman Derr An American Nurse Serving With The Rank Of Lieutenant In A French Army Hospital At The Front, 1916 -1918

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"Mademoiselle Miss" as her soldiers called her was in Europe at the outbreak of WW1 and trained for the nurses diploma with the French Red Cross. She passed and was accepted into the regular army serving with the rank of Lieutenant at French Army hospitals near the trenches of the Marne.
Her letters home during 1915 were published without her knowledge in a book entitled 'Mademoiselle Miss" for the benefit of raising funds for the American Fund for French Wounded. By 1918 over 40,000 copies had been sold in the USA.
Many further letters were recently discovered covering the period of 1916 -1918 which reveal more of the experiences of this dedicated nurse who was awarded the Croix de Guerre for her services to the wounded soldiers she nursed.


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Umfang:276 Seiten

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