Pharon's Demon (Hunter's Mate)
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Space pirate Bennu loves getting caught... a little too much. With her job at risk, she scores one last chance to prove she has what it takes by stealing topazes from the mines of Pharon. Bennu can’t afford to be caught and she can’t indulge her secret passions—but can she resist when she is caught red-handed by Mkhai, one of Pharon’s demons—and he metes out his own special brand of punishment? This is an extremely naughty thirty-page short story that was later expanded and rewritten as THE HUNT. I'm sharing it now as a special thank you for THE HUNT's readers. For those of you asking for the next Hunter's Mate book, I hope this tides you over. Warning: This story includes hot sex, space opera, spanking, and some smoking hot demons who know exactly how to give a thief what she deserves.