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"Think of your darkest memory, and know that what is coming will be unimaginably worse. All your days. Every night. You'll hate me for it. You'll hate me as much as you can hate. I promise you that." Our world changed - our climate, our ecosystems, our food and water supply. Our survival stands on a knife's edge. Ten billion lives are lost. Three million survived. War is coming. This is our story. ____________________ I would like to thank everyone who has joined me on my wild ride as an indie author. The most rewarding gems I found on this journey are your emails, and your comments on my webpage and Facebook page. You have encouraged me to write more than one book (The Devil's Grin), and with that, you helped me become a full-time author (I'm almost there). But I also have to apologise. If you expected a fifth Anna Kronberg thriller, you might be disappointed by this SciFi that's very far away from the Victorian London we roamed together. But it's just as stinky, dirty, and disease-ridden. So maybe, you'll enjoy it anyway.
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:270 Seiten
Verlag:Annelie Wendeberg
Teil 1 der Reihe "Climate Fiction Saga"