The Devil´s Grin

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"The Devil's Grin" ist ein unterhaltsamer Krimi, der mich jedoch nicht so richtig in seinen Bann ziehen konnte. Es ist ganz okay...

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At the turn of the 19th century, bacteriological research has made a tremendous leap. When epidemics were still untamed and claimed thousands of lives, Pasteur and Koch isolated deadly bacteria to develop vaccines. Biological warfare was but a small step away... In Victorian London's cesspool of crime and disease, a series of murders remains undiscovered until a cholera victim is found floating in the city's drinking water supply. Dr Anton Kronberg, England's best bacteriologist, is called upon to investigate and finds evidence of abduction and medical maltreatment. While Scotland Yard has little interest in pursuing the case, Kronberg pushes on and crosses paths with Sherlock Holmes. The detective immediately discovers Kronberg's secret - a woman masquerading as a man in order to practice medicine - a criminal deed that could land her in prison for years to come. But both must join forces to stop a crime so monstrous, it outshines Jack the Ripper's deeds in brutality and cold-bloodedness. The Devil's Grin is the 1st book in the bestselling Kronberg Crimes series Warning: This book contains foul language, non-explicit sex-scenes, explicit dissection scenes, violence, and considerable female power. This e-book is DRM-free and Creative Commons Licenced.


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