Broken Crown: A Dark MMM Mpreg Romance (War-Torn Omegas Book 1) (English Edition)

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The kingdom has fallen. Military leaders Phoenix and Griffin Greer have taken the Omega Prince Lars Lyandri as their prisoner. But the Alpha brothers desire more than simple pleasure from their unwilling captive. They have a secret mission, and in order to succeed they must claim something only a royal Omega like Lars can provide them.

An heir.

Deep in heat, he is unable to resist the mating bond Phoenix and Griffin force upon him. Can he find a way to escape from the grip of the two ruthless Alphas? Or will he succumb to his own body’s primal desires?

Broken Crown is an exciting Dark M/M/M Romance with through-the-roof levels of heat and scenes you’ll feel guilty you enjoyed so much. Be aware: There is violence and other themes that may not be enjoyable for some readers, but you can still expect satisfying character arcs and a gratifying HEA ending.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:175 Seiten
Verlag:Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

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