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A conversation between the boatman of the River Styx and a woman who wants to die. "D. A. Levy said, “If you want a revolution, return to your childhood & kick out the bottom.” In Boatman, Vernon takes you on this spirited journey where you are immediately immersed in a bold story brimming with the hard, beautiful blue of life, love & death. This symbolic collection shows you what it means to be human. It reveals the depths of the soul & how sometimes we just want to give up—how our legs can get tired of treading all the dark water. Thankfully, Ashe is beside us through the entire tale, showing us how to love the water instead of fear it— & when the weight of our heads & hearts get to be too much, they offer us a hand & lead us to the boat, they ask us to climb up in it with them, & in the end, the whole of the voyage teaches us how to save ourselves." - Amanda Oaks, founder of Words Dance Publishing


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:58 Seiten
Verlag:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

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