PoppyMy little Wife
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This is our new home, says Mommy.
Poppy, you know you never have to hide from me, right?, he says.
He's got a face like a bowling ball, says Grandma.
Express yourselves clearly, class, just say exactly what you mean, says the teacher.
Help me, thinks Poppy.
Poppy is a six-year-old girl who lives with her mother in a rundown suburban neighborhood. One day, they move into a luxurious mansion with her mother's new partner. Poppy's mother is happy. She can finally buy anything she wants.
This new Daddy or Mr. Rich, as the young girl calls him, makes Poppy every wish come true. He showers her with gifts, washes her hair three times a week and takes her on long journeys in his big car, just the two of them. He calls her his little wife.
In fact, everything would be just great, if it wasn't for one thing.
Poppy, you know you never have to hide from me, right?, he says.
He's got a face like a bowling ball, says Grandma.
Express yourselves clearly, class, just say exactly what you mean, says the teacher.
Help me, thinks Poppy.
Poppy is a six-year-old girl who lives with her mother in a rundown suburban neighborhood. One day, they move into a luxurious mansion with her mother's new partner. Poppy's mother is happy. She can finally buy anything she wants.
This new Daddy or Mr. Rich, as the young girl calls him, makes Poppy every wish come true. He showers her with gifts, washes her hair three times a week and takes her on long journeys in his big car, just the two of them. He calls her his little wife.
In fact, everything would be just great, if it wasn't for one thing.