Born of Water: Elemental Magic & Epic Fantasy Adventure (The Rise of the Fifth Order Book 1)

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In the buried archives of the Temple of Dust may lie the secret to defeating the Curse, a creature which seeks to destroy 16-year old Ria for the forbidden gifts she possesses. Begin the epic fantasy adventure described as “fast paced and … a wonderful fantasy trilogy” and “a rich fantasy full of interesting characters,” “the author’s imagination is mindblogging!” It is from among the ranks of those who control the Curse where Ria will find her best chance of success. Only the Water Priestess Niri can save Ria from the forces that hunt her, if Niri doesn’t betray the girl first. Along with Ria comes Ty and his sister, Lavinia, both bound to defend Ria from the Church of Four Orders. However, Ty has been living a life less than honest and keeping it from his sister. To survive a journey that takes them across the breadth of their world, the four must learn to trust each other before pursuit from the Church and Ty’s troubled past find them. Born of Water is the first book in the Rise of the Fifth Order Saga full of elemental magic and epic fantasy adventure. Welcome to the mythical world of Myrrah, ruled by the Church of Four Orders - Fire, Earth, Water, and Air.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:368 Seiten
Verlag:Autumn M. Birt

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