Scars and Ruin (Loose Ends Book 2)

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Cover des Buches Scars and Ruin (Loose Ends Book 2) (ISBN: B01MDJXFCO)
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The man known as Dutch is fine with being hated and feared. He keeps his mask on and his secrets close. There’s only one person who reaches past all that to who he used to be before the job hit too close to home. Sacrifices must be made, and Dutch steps up do just that. He’ll gladly pay the price to make sure Varun Patel is safe. Loyalty to family expects it. His heart demands it. And Patel rejects it. Half of Varun Patel’s life resides in broken shadows he’d rather not remember. The other half is taken up by a man whose words push him away while his actions hold Patel close. Patel can’t forget the one night he spent in Dane Hutchins’ arms. The night promises were made. The night promises were broken. If it were up to Dutch, Patel won’t ever know the bargains struck in his name. He won’t ever know the memory of them keeps Dutch fighting in his bleakest moments. But Dutch should’ve known that in the lonely hours, Patel would come for him. And when that time arrives, there’s no saying no. There’s only the inevitable. Love amid the ruins. Warning: Contains references to sexual abuse/rape.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:317 Seiten
Verlag:Sinner's Haven Publishing

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