The Rhine’s Most Stunning Cathedralsexplore and discover

Das neue Buch von Barbara Schock-Werner erscheint am 1. März 2025 mit dem Titel "The Rhine’s Most Stunning Cathedrals".

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Unique art experiences told in a gripping and understandable way in a handy travel guide: The former master builder of Cologne Cathedral, Barbara Schock-Werner, explores the most beautiful and important cathedrals along the Rhine. Like pearls on a string, the impressive sacred buildings of the Middle Ages are lined up from Constance to Basel, Freiburg and Strasbourg to the largest Romanesque church in the world, Speyer Cathedral. It continues via Worms, Oppenheim and Mainz to Cologne.

In a compact design with beautiful pictures by the renowned architectural photographer Florian Monheim, the book is ideal for culture enthusiasts and travellers to Europe. An English-language edition is being published at the same time for international tourists who want to experience these cathedrals as popular highlights of their trip along the Rhine.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:160 Seiten

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