Becky Mandelbaum

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Neue Rezensionen zu Becky Mandelbaum

A literary treat

'Bad Kansas' is an astonishing and entertaining collection of quirky, bizarre, sad and humorous short stories that all deal with Kansas, though in very different manners. There are a lot of different constellations: people who left (fled?) their home state, others who experience a bad case of home sickness after leaving, those who moved there for a job or love and either like or hate it. Through this kaleidoscope of anecdotes, we learn about that seemingly common state, that was known to me only as the home of Dorothy.
While I can't remember any of the stories in detail, I remember the feeling the stories evoked, a kind of bond with that place, both good and bad.

(Thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for a copy of the book, all opinions are my own)

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in 1 Bibliotheken

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