First Aid for the SoulA First-Aid Kit for Psychological Self-Help
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“Comprehensive… Practical… Perfect.”
First Aid for Your Soul is a psychological first-aid kit to help you cope with life’s emergencies.
Unexpected events – such as divorce, bereavement, job loss, health issues, eating disorders – can be devastating.
Often, when the worst happens, you no longer act rationally, and instead raw emotion takes over.
Everyone deals with stress differently. You can become stuck in patterns, which don’t always help, of freezing, acting aggressively or running away.
This book includes advice from international experts, academics from renowned universities, and people who have been in dire situations, but managed to help themselves.
First Aid for the Soul – Volume One in the Emergency Book Series – provides you with practical tips to help you cope and build your long-term resilience.
It includes self-help methods such as:
Breathing exercises
Energy flow techniques
First Aid for Your Soul is a psychological first-aid kit to help you cope with life’s emergencies.
Unexpected events – such as divorce, bereavement, job loss, health issues, eating disorders – can be devastating.
Often, when the worst happens, you no longer act rationally, and instead raw emotion takes over.
Everyone deals with stress differently. You can become stuck in patterns, which don’t always help, of freezing, acting aggressively or running away.
This book includes advice from international experts, academics from renowned universities, and people who have been in dire situations, but managed to help themselves.
First Aid for the Soul – Volume One in the Emergency Book Series – provides you with practical tips to help you cope and build your long-term resilience.
It includes self-help methods such as:
Breathing exercises
Energy flow techniques
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:76 Seiten