Bernd Irmscher


Bernd Irmscher was born 1960 in Essen, Germany, gaining his first experiences in Judo at the age of 10 and practicing Karate since the age of 15. One of the main reasons for his interest in Far Eastern Martial Arts is the fascination of being able to neutralize a seemingly superior opponent more through technical skills than sheer violence. On vacation or whenever a good opportunity arises, he enjoys to explore and learn about various Martial Arts. In 2013 he obtained the certification as a self-defense trainer from the the German Karate Association. In addition to Karate, since around 2009, he has been training the Israeli self-defense system Krav Maga and obtained the qualification as a Krav Maga Instructor from the Krav Maga Union in 2015. For many years, he has been conducting self-defense courses, workshops and training sessions in clubs, companies and public institutions.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

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