Let's save democracy!Or do you really like to live differently?
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But our way of life is in danger of dying. The author tackles this weighty subject with astonishing ease. A non-fiction book that is fun to read. Because it tells the story as vividly as a
novel or a podcast. An extraordinary rescue mission from Hamburg to New York. Including: Joe Biden, Sanna Marin, Robert Habeck, Justin Trudeau... After five years of research,
future expert Professor Bernd Thomsen now provides you with hundreds of learnings from 39 countries, futurology, exciting facts. And inspiring optimism. And above all:
The formula for how to save our democracy.
For everyone who loves our way of life.
Even if politics is not your business.
Do you love your freedom?
Then read this book!
novel or a podcast. An extraordinary rescue mission from Hamburg to New York. Including: Joe Biden, Sanna Marin, Robert Habeck, Justin Trudeau... After five years of research,
future expert Professor Bernd Thomsen now provides you with hundreds of learnings from 39 countries, futurology, exciting facts. And inspiring optimism. And above all:
The formula for how to save our democracy.
For everyone who loves our way of life.
Even if politics is not your business.
Do you love your freedom?
Then read this book!