The Girl in the Polka-Dot Dress
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During the investigation in 1968 into the assassination of Robert Kennedy, several witnesses recalled seeing a girl in a polka dot dress in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel. She was never found. THE GIRL IN THE POLKA DOT DRESS is a vintage Bainbridge tale of murder and retribution, underpinned by Bainbridge's trademark and uniquely dark comedy.§Age twelve, Rose was responsible for a terrible act. It was witnessed by Dr Wheeler - who has kept silent for seven years - before his departure for America. In London Rose meets another American, Harold, who also knows Wheeler and has his own reasons for wanting to find him - his wife had an affair with him and committed suicide when it ended.§Harold and Rose travel across America in pursuit of the sinister Dr Wheeler, before ending up at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night of Robert Kennedy's fateful press conference. Rose is wearing her favourite - polka dot - dress.
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Umfang:162 Seiten
Verlag:Penguin Group USA
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