The Cat Who Keeps A Dog
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All it took was one touch from a stranger’s hand to change everything. The Fera are blessed by the gods with one mate, one person who will till the end of eternity complete them. Yale isn’t really ready for that yet. After finally getting away from his overbearing family, Yale is ready to party hard, steal hearts and run his city to the ground. What he doesn’t expect is to accidentally brush by an old lion and have his mating mark appear. Old, scarred and tired, Notre wanted nothing less than to be mated in his old age and certainty not to the hyperactive pup he is stuck with. Going against the gods themselves to break the bond, this unlikely duo might just find out why fate gifted them to each other. But is a centuries’ wide age gap traversable? And will Yale ever shut up? In 45,000 words of pure adorableness, these six short stories tell the tale of a loving puppy and his nurturing lion.