Thief of Lies (Library Jumpers)

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Gia Kearns would rather fight with boys thankiss them. That is, until Arik, a leather clad hottie in the BostonAthenaeum, suddenly disappears. While examining the book of worldlibraries he abandoned, Gia unwittingly speaks the key that sucks herand her friends into a photograph and transports them into a Parislibrary, where Arik and his Sentinels-magical knights charged withprotecting humans from the creatures traveling across the gatewaybooks-rescue them from a demonic hound. Jumping into some of theworld's most beautiful libraries would be a dream come true for Gia, ifshe weren't busy resisting her heart or dodging an exiled wizard seeking revenge on both the Mystik and human worlds. Add a French flirtobsessed with Arik and a fling with a young wizard, and Gia must choosebetween her heart and her head, between Arik's world and her own, before both are destroyed.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:400 Seiten
Verlag:Entangled: Teen

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