SOCCER Notebook for MINECRAFT fans [94 pages, ruled paper, pocket format]Notebook for MINECRAFT fans
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Notebook for Minecraft and soccer fans.
Perfect as gift booklet to say thank you, or as birthday present or for yourself.
*** Notebook for fast and simple saving of instructions, prescriptions or for all things you do not want to forget
*** Due to a handy format, the notebook can be comfortably used in any situation (e.g. on the way or at home, at work or at school)
*** Perfect for spontaneous collection of ideas or as a memorization tool
*** Practical handling due to easy pocket format
Perfect as gift booklet to say thank you, or as birthday present or for yourself.
*** Notebook for fast and simple saving of instructions, prescriptions or for all things you do not want to forget
*** Due to a handy format, the notebook can be comfortably used in any situation (e.g. on the way or at home, at work or at school)
*** Perfect for spontaneous collection of ideas or as a memorization tool
*** Practical handling due to easy pocket format