And This Our Life: Chronicles of the Darcy Family: Book 1

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Jane Austen's classic novel, Pride and Prejudice, ends with the marriage of the Bennet sisters to their hard-won fiancés, but the story of Elizabeth's and Darcy's life together is only beginning. And This Our Life is a historically accurate sequel that chronicles the lives of Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy during their first year of marriage. In addition to learning to be the mistress of Pemberley House, the Darcy estate, and overcoming the preconceptions of her new relatives, Elizabeth must help her new sister-in-law, Georgiana, find her way to womanhood through the maze of ritual, tradition and marital politics that is Regency-era England. Often snubbed by others in her social circle, Elizabeth maintains her composure and graciousness. She is determined to help Georgiana gain the confidence she needs to find the true love and happiness she has found with Mr. Darcy, no matter what obstacles are placed in their way.


Aktuelle Ausgabe
Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:252 Seiten

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