Carol Wilson

 4 Sterne bei 1 Bewertungen
Autor*in von The Best of Traditional Scottish Cooking, Alles vom Schwein und weiteren Büchern.


Carol Wilson is a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management, the Association for Coaching, and the Professional Speaking Association. She is on the Global Advisory Panel at the Association for Coaching and a Trustee to the non-profit MOE Foundation, where she designs coaching programmes for underprivileged young people and the African Prisons Project. A multicultural expert, Carol Wilson has designed coaching and leadership programmes all over the world for organisations including IKEA, Philip Morris, the BBC, Hilti and NCR. She has won and been nominated for several awards for coaching and writing. She is the author of Performance Coaching, A Complete Guide to Best Practice Coaching and Training featuring forewords by Sir John Whitmore and Sir Richard Branson; she has also contributed to 6 books and published over 50 articles. Carol experienced the value of a coaching culture firsthand during a decade working at board level with Sir Richard Branson at Virgin. Later she held board-level positions with Island Records, Warner Brothers and Polygram. Since entering the coaching field in 2000 she has studied with thought leaders including Nancy Kline and Tim Gallwey, and collaborated with Sir John Whitmore David Grove. She is a keynote speaker at conferences worldwide including The HR Summit Budapest, the Asian Emerging Leaders Summit Hong Kong, Guts for Change Mumbai, Catalyst Australia, HRD London, and the China Executive Coaching Conference Shanghai.

Quelle: Verlag / vlb

Alle Bücher von Carol Wilson

Cover des Buches Alles vom Schwein (ISBN: 9783848008032)

Alles vom Schwein

Erschienen am 13.01.2016
Cover des Buches Bacon-Kochbuch (ISBN: 9783897361768)


Erschienen am 01.01.2016
Cover des Buches The Best of Traditional Scottish Cooking (ISBN: 9781846817335)

The Best of Traditional Scottish Cooking

Erschienen am 01.01.2014

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