The Silent TwinDetective Jennifer Knight Crime Thriller Series Book 3

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I’m alone in the dark, please can you find me … Nine-year-old twins Abigail and Olivia vow never to be parted. But when Abigail goes missing from Blackwater Farm, DC Jennifer Knight must find her before it’s too late. Twin sister Olivia has been mute since Abigail’s disappearance. But when she whispers in Jennifer’s ear, Jennifer realises it is Abigail’s voice pleading to be found. A damp and decaying house set in acres of desolate scrubland, the farm is a place of secrets, old and new – and Jennifer must unravel them all in order to find the lost girl. But could Olivia’s bond with her twin hold the key to finding Abigail? And can Jennifer break through her silence in time to save her sister’s life? A darkly gripping, page-turning thriller that will enthrall fans of Rachel Abbott, Alex Marwood’s The Wicked Girls and Mark Edwards. Discover the other books in the DC Jennifer Knight series: 1. DON'T TURN AROUND 2. TIME TO DIE 3. THE SILENT TWIN What people are saying about The Silent Twin: ‘This was everything I hoped it would be and then some. Dark, dangerous, intense, and with a killer plot that held me completely captive, it is my favourite yet from Mitchell.’ Becca’s Books Caroline Mitchell is one hell of an author! With every book in this fantastic series her writing just goes from strength to strength.’ Booklover Catlady ‘It'll take you on a heart-thumping, breath-taking rollercoaster of a ride and make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. I highly recommend this book, I loved it.’ Deecees's Books ‘A real page turner that makes the hair on your arms stand up. ’ Sean’s Book Reviews ‘Extremely well written, the suspense is palpable, and the last 20 pages or so are breathtaking…A really good whodunit with several suspects to keep the reader guessing.’ Strong Book Reviews ‘I actually read this in a morning and was completely glued. She has developed a style that just immerses the reader, totally absorbing and completely engaging. 5*/5’ Postcard Reviews ‘This book is FANTASTIC and I thoroughly enjoyed reading every single word of it. I was absolutely hooked from the word go…left my heart pounding and my brain whirring. Caroline’s writing style is quick paced, descriptive and is one that definitely keeps a reader’s interest…Definitely an author to get excited about. 5/5. ’ Hollie in Wanderlust ‘5 Stars …This book was amazing, I was instantly hooked…My jaw dropped so many times while reading. ’ Steph and Chris’s Book Review ‘By heck I was NOT disappointed…I read this book twice…totally wowed away all my expectations…bold, gripping and really confident …my number 1 book of the year…an awesome read…I could not put it down.’ Laura Prime Blog


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