The Soldier's Scoundrel
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Einfach très magnifique! Authentisch in den Einschränkungen der Regencyzeit für gleichgeschlechtliche Liebe, emotional überzeugend und heiß!
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Das Cover ist ja eigentlich nicht mein Fall, aber Story und Romanze sind toll. Nicht abschrecken lassen. ;)
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A scoundrel who lives in the shadows Jack Turner grew up in the darkness of London’s slums, born into a life of crime and willing to do anything to keep his belly full and his siblings safe. Now he uses the tricks and schemes of the underworld to help those who need the kind of assistance only a scoundrel can provide. His distrust of the nobility runs deep and his services do not extend to the gorgeous high-born soldier who personifies everything Jack will never be. A soldier untarnished by vice After the chaos of war, Oliver Rivington craves the safe predictability of a gentleman’s life—one that doesn’t include sparring with a ne’er-do-well who flouts the law at every turn. But Jack tempts Oliver like no other man has before. Soon his yearning for the unapologetic criminal is only matched by Jack’s pleasure in watching his genteel polish crumble every time they’re together. Two men meant only for each other
Aktuelle Ausgabe
Umfang:336 Seiten
Verlag:Avon Impulse
Teil 1 der Reihe "Jack Turner"