Winning the Loser's Game - Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing
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The classic guide to winning on Wall Street completely updated and expanded!§Named by The Wall Street Journal one of the best books for novice investors §Winning the Loser s Game, Sixth Edition reveals how stock markets really work and what individuals can and should do to be sure they are long-term winners. It leads readers through the simple steps of setting realistic objectives, deciding on a sensible strategy, and, most importantly, sticking with it.§Praise for previous editions of Winning the Loser's Game §"[A] classic investing book."§ Money §The best book about investing? The answer is simple: Winning the Loser s Game . § F. William McNabb III, CEO and President, Vanguard §"Remarkably insightful and lucidly written . . . required reading for every serious investor."§ Burton G. Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall Street §Charles D. Ellis served for 28 years as managing partner of Greenwich Associates, a global leader in strategy consulting to financial service firms. The author of 12 investing books an innumerable articles, he has taught at Harvard Business School and Yale School of Management.§
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Ausgabe:Gebundenes Buch
Umfang:272 Seiten
Verlag:McGraw-Hill Professional
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