Charlotte Gambill

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Autor*in von Turnaround God.

Alle Bücher von Charlotte Gambill

Cover des Buches Turnaround God (ISBN: 9780849921896)

Turnaround God

Erschienen am 17.09.2013

Neue Rezensionen zu Charlotte Gambill

Cover des Buches Turnaround God (ISBN: 9780849921896)
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Rezension zu "Turnaround God" von Charlotte Gambill

A definite must-read!
blessedvor 11 Jahren

Have you lost your job? Are you in a difficult marriage? Do you have problems with the kids? All of us face tough situations in our lives and when we do, we can quickly feel overwhelmed or desperate. In Turnaround God: Discovering God’s Transformational Power, international speaker and teacher Charlotte Gambill challenges her readers not to settle for less than what God can do. Throughout the book she uses examples from her own life and those of biblical characters to illustrate that God is all the help we need in the harsh storms of life for there is nothing that God cannot turn around.

Charlotte Gambill has an engaging writing style, making the book easy to read. It is full of inspiring quotes. Be sure to be reading with a highlighter pen handy. You will want to mark many a passage that speaks into your life. At least that was how I felt. Oftentimes the author did that for me though – throughout, the notable points are repeated in slightly larger type. A feature I like very much.

Each chapter considers a different aspect of God’s turnaround power and the role we ought to play in it, such as yielding to God or offering forgiveness. I love the way personal and biblical examples are interspersed throughout the book. It makes the message more accessible and practical.

It has to be said that this book makes for rather uncomfortable reading as it challenges its readers to tap into God’s turnaround power. Expect change, expect transformation, expect a turnaround. Don’t settle for less than what God can do.

As for me, I will read the book again and recommend it to everyone I know. Turnaround God is a definite must-read! Go buy your copy now.

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