From the Sands of Dorne: A Feast of Ice & Fire Companion Cookbook

Cover des Buches From the Sands of Dorne: A Feast of Ice & Fire Companion Cookbook (ISBN: 9780804180825)
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Prepare your palette for more than a dozen all-new recipes in this eBook-exclusive companion to the official Game of Thrones cookbook! Discover the tastes of Dorne, including one dish from The Winds of Winter, the highly anticipated next chapter of George R. R. Martin’s beloved series, A Song of Ice and Fire.   The most culturally distinct region of the Seven Kingdoms, Dorne is the sun-soaked desert land characterized by its unique customs and brash resistance to the Iron Throne. The Dornish people are known for their bold passions—perhaps best exemplified by the Red Viper himself, Oberyn Martell—and this fiery temperament has yielded a perfect pairing: their delicious cuisine. Packed with fresh flavor, zesty seasonings, and plenty of heat, this eclectic sampling of Southern delights can be enjoyed all year round, with savory fare to warm your bones in Winterfell and frozen desserts to help you keep cool in Sunspear. Inside, you’ll find:   • Succulent starters: Lemon-Egg Soup; Spicy Shrimp; Roasted Chickpeas. • Mediterranean-style mains: Lamb with Honey, Lemon, and Fiery Peppers; Eggs and Spicy Sausage; Green Peppers Stuffed with Cheese; Spicy Flatbread. • Tasty treats: Blood-Orange Granita; Candied Kumquats; Figs Stuffed with Nuts.   With all the imagination, authenticity, and tongue-in-cheek humor that won A Feast of Ice and Fire a cult following, From the Sands of Dorne is an oasis for foodies everywhere.


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Umfang:45 Seiten

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